International Workshop on Historical Linguistics at University of Kashan

12 May 2019 | 10:06 Code : 9890 University News News

The international workshop entitled "Persia and Babylonia: the Achaemenid Empire in light of Babylonian Sources" was held at University of Kashan with the presence of the head and professors of The Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden University.

Dr. Reza Nouri Shadmehani, head of the department of archeology of University of Kashan, stated: this workshop, presented in English, was delivered to higher education students of archeology, ancient languages, and history from all parts of Iran.

He also added that such a workshop with the focus of Achaemenid – Babylonia studies were the first in its kind for Iran. The workshop aimed at development of more scientific exchanges and introducing the students to Historical Linguistics and Achaemenid studies.

This workshop was established in joint cooperation of Leiden University, Netherland and University of Kashan.

tags: International Workshop University of Kashan and Leiden University Department of Archeology

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