University of Kashan, University of Giessen Students and Professors hold a Discussion Session

03 October 2018 | 18:09 Code : 8925 University News
University of Kashan, University of Giessen Students and Professors hold a Discussion Session

A discussion session on the “Academic Communities and Professor and Student Exchange Programs in Germany” was held at the conference hall of the Administrative Offices of University of Kashan. A delegation of professors and students of University of Giessen along with a number of professors and students of University of Kashan met and discussed issues such as exchange program opportunities and the Islamic activities of the department of Islamic theology of University of Giessen.

Professor Yasar Sarikaya, faculty member of Islamic theology and didactics department at University of Giessen, stated that, with almost 5 million Muslim inhabitants of Germany, the German government has offered various Islamic studies and theology programs at its universities to meet the requirements of the immigrants from various nationalities at several states of this country.

With the establishment of the department of theology at 2011 in Giessen, several faculties were established in Berlin this summer.

The most important responsibility of faculty members at the theology departments in German community is to educate teachers for different school levels, academic members for German universities, and missionaries for mosques, Professor Sarikaya added.


Dr. Markus Gerhold, professor of Islamic theology and didactics at Islamic Theology Institute of University of Münster and University of Giessen, considered the professor and students exchange programs in the highest level and added: the curriculum at these universities are skilled based and the skills of the students are at priority.

The role of the professors in this country is to produce thoughts and teachings that create an interactive atmosphere with the western philosophy.

In this meeting, Iranian professors contributed into discussion with their point of views as well.

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