11th Journal of Iranian Architecture Studies Publishes at University of Kashan

29 October 2017 | 11:38 Code : 7374 University News
11th Journal of Iranian Architecture Studies Publishes at University of Kashan

The 11th volume of the scientific Journals of Iranian Architecture Studies as a quarterly journal of Faculty of Architecture and Art of University of Kashan was published earlier this month. Dr. Ali Omranipour, the manager of the journal and faculty member of University of Kashan, stated that 11 scientific papers on different topics of architecture comprise the published gazette. 
Analogy to Nature in Architectural Creation, The Rethinking of Ontological and Ethical Aspects of Creativity, Physical Factors Affecting the Perception of Density in Residential Environments, Review of the “Central Space Model" in the Iranian Cultural Region, Investigating the Function of the Water System of the Ancient Site of Tchogha Zanbil, and 6 other papers are among the researches that are presented in this journal (Click Here to Visit the Complete List of the Papers).
This journal aims to support the researches of Architecture studies of Iranian scholars and to identify and publish the noteworthy findings of them. The gazette is indexed in the database of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), Noor Specialized Journal, Scientific Information Database (SID), Humanities Comprehensive Portal, Magiran website, and Civilica, informed Dr. Ali Omranipour.


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