University of Kashan, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí sign MoU

12 October 2017 | 11:17 Code : 7292 University News
University of Kashan, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí sign MoU

During a visit to Univesity of Kashan, Dr. Miguel Camino Solórzano, Chancellor of Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (Ecuador) and Dr. Abbas Zeraat, Chancellor of University of Kashan signed an MoU on October 9, 2017.

This Memorandum of Understanding focuses on collateral cooperation between the two educational institutes to expand scientific exchanges, develop relations, and support research activities, stated Dr. Abbas Zeraat. 
Faculty member, researcher, and student exchanges, performing joint research projects, participating and holding joint seminars and conferences, and holding join Nanotechnology courses were among the terms of this memorandum.

Understanding the potentials of University of Kashan and improving educational quality were among the goals of Dr. Miguel Camino Solórzano to visit this university. Dr. Miguel Camino Solórzano also expressed his hope to promote the scientific communication of the two universities and to hold joint courses on Nanotechnology and Persian Language Learning in Ecuador.

This memorandum which is valid for 5 years was signed by Dr. Abbas Zeraat and Dr. Miguel Camino Solórzano in 9 clauses.


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