University of Kashan, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Sign MOC

18 January 2017 | 18:16 Code : 5437 News
University of Kashan Chancellor announced the signature of a Memorandum of Cooperation in scientific, research, and educational fields with Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism.
University of Kashan, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Sign MOC
University of Kashan Chancellor announced the signature of a Memorandum of Cooperation in scientific, research, and educational fields with Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism.

 The goal of this bilateral MOC is a continual cooperation in scientific, research, and educational fields in favored and agreed scientific fields with consideration of all their scientific, laboratory, technical, and credential facilities of the duo, declared Dr. Abbas Zerra’at.

Based on this MOC, a systematic, executive, and joint research cooperation will be carried out related to environmental sciences, architecture, conservation and restoration of buildings in cultural-historic districts, linguistics, archeology, art research and Islamic arts, handicrafts, law, and other fields along with interdisciplinary studies between the two sides.

Both parties will enjoy educational, research, laboratory, workshop, library facilities of the other side and will cooperate in holding joint scientific meetings and conferences in agreed special fields and will act to create interdisciplinary majors in several agreed fields, stated Dr. Zarra’at and added: the memorandum will potentiate both parties, scientifically and in research, to fulfill the design and implementation of joint field projects.

This Memorandum of Cooperation has been sign by S. Mohammad Beheshti, president of Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, and Dr. Abbas Zerra’at, University of Kashan Chancellor and is valid for 5 years.

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