First Ph.D. Student of Watershed Management Graduates from University of Kashan

01 January 2017 | 12:56 Code : 5417 News
Heydar Ebrahimi, as the first Ph.D. student of Watershed Management of University of Kashan, defended his dissertation and was graduated with the Excellent Degree.
 Heydar Ebrahimi, as the first Ph.D. student of Watershed Management of University of Kashan, defended his dissertation titled “Evaluation of interactive effects of construction of Doviraj Dam and the excessive removal of groundwater resources of Mousian plain” and was successfully graduated with the Excellent Degree.

Due to the strategic and vital importance of water resources in the country, the aforementioned dissertation is a practical subject and is in line with sustainable development and its results can be used by regional managers.

Furthermore, the results of this dissertation has been presented in five scientific papers to English of which two articles has been published in credible scientific journals and three other are in the refereeing proceedings.

The defense session of this dissertation was held with Dr. Reza Ghazavi as supervisor, Dr. Haji Karimi as advisor, and Dr. Hoda Ghasemie, Dr. Ebrahim Omidvari and Professor S. Saeed Eslamian as referees.

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