MoU signed between University of Kashan and the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics

07 March 2016 | 12:33 Code : 5408 News
In order to establish a general framework of scientific and technical collaboration, University of Kashan and the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) signed an MoU on Thursday, March 3, 2016.
MoU signed between University of Kashan and the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics
 In order to establish a general framework of scientific and technical collaboration, University of Kashan and the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) signed an MoU on Thursday.

Dr. Abbas Zeraat, the University Chancellor at the signing ceremony of MoU said the main task of the cooperation between the two parties is to provide additional opportunities to exchange ideas, information, skills and researchers, and to support cooperative activities in the field of science and technology between the two Institutions. 

The National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) is the Italian research agency dedicated to the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the laws that govern them, under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research that conducts theoretical and experimental research in the fields of sub nuclear, nuclear and astroparticle physics.


INFN president, Prof. Fernando Feroni, said INFN employs some 5,000 scientists whose work is recognized internationally not only for their contribution to various European laboratories, but also to numerous research centers worldwide.

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