Thomson Reuters names 4 faculty members of the University of Kashan among the top 1 percent of highly cited scholars

23 January 2016 | 12:03 Code : 5405 News
Four University of Kashan faculty members — Alireza Ashrafi and Abbas Saadatmandi from the Mathematics Department, Mehran Rezaee from Engineering Department, and Masood Salavati from Chemistry Department — have been named to the 2015 Thomson Reuters’ Highly Cited Researchers list.
Thomson Reuters names 4 faculty members of the University of Kashan among the top 1 percent of highly cited scholars

Four University of Kashan faculty members —  Alireza Ashrafi and  Abbas Saadatmandi from the Mathematics Department,  Mehran Rezaee from Engineering Department, and  Masood Salavati from Chemistry Department — have been named to the 2015 Thomson Reuters’ Highly Cited Researchers list.


 The list identifies the top 1 percent of the almost 9 million scholars and scientists who publish their academic findings every year, accounting for more than 2 million journal papers.

Each year the list includes more than 3,000 scientists around the world who have published the highest number of articles that are cited the most frequently by other researchers. It is compiled from two separate Thomson Reuters studies that have been analyzed for publication and citation data from 22 subject fields of study, ranging from chemistry to social sciences.

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