Dr. Salavati Ranked 2nd in Nanoscience in Iran

24 February 2017 | 00:55
Dr. Salavati Ranked 2nd in Nanoscience in Iran

Dr. Masoud Salavati accomplished this achievement by advancing more than 5 thousand researchers and academic members of Iran in Nano technology.

This choice was made based on the number of domestic and foreign invention patents, publication of ISI papers, citation numbers, publication of papers in scientific and research journals, book authorship, and sabbatical leaves.

Masoud Salavati is a full professor and an academic staff of Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of University of Kashan. “International Scientist in Materials Engineering”, “International Scientist in Chemistry Engineering”, “International Scientist in Chemistry” are among the honors he had received in the past few years.

He had also been ranked 1st for 5 times and 2nd for 3 times in the previous ceremonies.

Dr. Salavati’s scientific and research ISI journal, Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, received an honorable mention in this ceremony.

Also, in this ceremony, University of Kashan was ranked 6th among the universities of Iran in Nanoscience, following University of Tehran, Isfahan University of Technology, Tarbiat Modares University, Sharif University, and Amirkabir University of Technology.